=5.4.0" }, "require-dev":...">

Composer ignores whitelist

I have the following sections require

in composer.json


"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4.0"
"require-dev": {
    "phpspec/phpspec": "~2.0",
    "henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage": "~0.2",
    "satooshi/php-coveralls": "~0.6"


Now I want to use Travis-CI for PHP 5.4 and 5.5 and hhvm. However, since hhvm does not support xdebug and therefore does not cover code, I need to turn off code coverage for hhvm builds.

For this I need to exclude code coverage settings. However, when I try to install only phpspec under control composer update phpspec/phpspec

, the other two dependencies get installed as well. Somehow Composer seems to be ignoring my whitelist.

This is my current one .travis.yml


language: php

php: [5.4, 5.5, hhvm]

  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != 'hhvm' ]]; then composer update ; fi
  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == 'hhvm' ]]; then composer update phpspec/phpspec; fi

  - bin/phpspec run --format=pretty
  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != 'hhvm' ]]; then bin/coveralls -v ; fi


How can I achieve my goal using the whitelist feature, or is there any other way to achieve this?

Please note that I do not want to install henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage

, not satooshi/php-coveralls

in the hhvm assembly . I want to install them in PHP 5.4 and 5.5 builds.


source to share

4 answers

I would follow the reverse logic of the accepted answer, as it is better to use a workaround when testing and not force yourself not to create local coverage.

language: php
  - 5.4
  - 5.5
  - hhvm

  - bin/phpspec run
  - bash -c 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" != "hhvm" ]; then bin/coveralls -v; fi;'

  - bash -c 'if [ "$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION" == "hhvm" ]; then composer remove "henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage" --dev --no-update; fi;'
  - composer install --prefer-source




If you don't need code coverage to work elsewhere, why not just change .travis.yml

to require code coverage with composer require henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage=~0.2


language: php

php: [5.4, 5.5, hhvm]

    - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != 'hhvm' ]]; then composer require henrikbjorn/phpspec-code-coverage=~0.2 ; fi

    - bin/phpspec run --format=pretty
    - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != 'hhvm' ]]; then bin/coveralls -v ; fi




Try to run

 php composer.phar self-update

 php composer.phar update --with-dependencies 


According to the documents, it must be indicated what is on the white list

If you only want to update or update the chain with a few packages, do the following

php composer.phar update "packagename" "packagename2"





composer update --no-dev

because when you run the update for the linker, everything is installed by default on demand-dev.



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