How does the health feature work in Java?

StringBuffer buff1 = new StringBuffer("tuts point");

System.out.println("Old Capacity of buff1 = " + buff1.capacity());
System.out.println("New Capacity of buff1 = " + buff1.capacity());

StringBuffer buff2 = new StringBuffer("compilejksde");

System.out.println("Old Capacity of buff2= " + buff2.capacity());
System.out.println("New Capacity of buff2= " + buff2.capacity());



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4 answers

The contract states the following :

Ensures that the capacity is at least equal to the specified minimum. If the current capacity is less than the argument, then a new internal array is allocated with more capacity. New potential more:

  • The minimumCapacity argument.
  • Twice the old container, plus 2.

So, to explain the output from your program:

Old Capacity of buff1 = 26
New Capacity of buff1 = 54  // Old capacity*2+2 (since it larger than the argument: 28)
Old Capacity of buff2= 28
New Capacity of buff2= 75   // the argument you gave, 75 (since it larger than 2*28+2 = 58)




You probably shouldn't be using StringBuffer

, but StringBuilder

. They both do the same basic functionality, but they StringBuffer

are a thread safe, synchronized class. This additional functionality makes it slower for general single threaded programming.

If you don't have a good reason, use StringBuilder

instead StringBuffer


In terms of capacity, StringBuffer

(and StringBuilder

), they have an array char[]

inside that is used to store the characters you add. This array can grow as needed to contain additional characters.

When adding the letter "a" to empty, the StringBuffer

length will be 1 (just one character), but the capacity will be the length of the array char[]

that supports the data, and it should be at least 1 (probably 16). Thus toString()


, length()

equal to '1', and the capacity will be about 16.

As data is added, capacity will increase to contain larger rows. Expansion of capacity is relatively slow, especially for large ones StringBuffers

because they require large memory allocations and collections.

If you know how big your data is before you end up in hand, you can increase the capacity to store the final string without having to go through multiple extensions. This saves time.

So if you know the string will be 1000 characters long, then you should ensureCapacity(1000)

sooner and save time later.



The method java.lang.StringBuffer.ensureCapacity()

guarantees that it is capacity

not less than the equal

specified one minimum


If current capacity

- less than the argument

, then "26" is highlighted greater capacity


New capacity is larger:

  • Argument minimumCapacity

  • Twice

    old container, plus 2


See this entire documentation for an example.

public void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity)

where minimumCapacity

is the desired capacity minimum




What's happening?

// initial capacity (of the array behind the scenes) will be 16. 
StringBuffer buff1 = new StringBuffer("tuts point");
//  The above constructor increases the capacity by 16 + stringArgument.length = 16 + 10 = 26 ( hence the output)
System.out.println("Old Capacity of buff1 = " + buff1.capacity()); // 26 ->check

buff1.ensureCapacity(28); // here 28 is minimumcapacity.
// the above line of code calls expandCapacity() of AbstractStringBuilder which does this:
//`(value.length + 1) * 2` i.e, 26+1 * 2 = 54 . Hence the output. 

System.out.println("New Capacity of buff1 = " + buff1.capacity()); //54 --> check


PS: The same applies to the second case.



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