Limiting the number of HTTP requests per second in Python

I wrote a script that fetches urls from a file and sends HTTP requests to all urls at the same time. Now I want to limit the number of HTTP requests per second and the bandwidth for each interface ( eth0

, eth1

etc.) in the session. Is there a way to achieve this in Python?


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2 answers

You can use the Semaphore object, which is part of the Python standard library: python doc

Or if you want to work with threads directly, you can use wait ([timeout]).

There is no library in Python that can work with Ethernet or some other network interface. The lowest you can go for is socket.

Based on your answer, here's my suggestion. Pay attention to active_count. Use this only to verify that your script only runs two threads. In this case there will be three of them, because number one is your script, then you have two url requests.

import time
import requests
import threading

# Limit the number of threads.
pool = threading.BoundedSemaphore(2)

def worker(u):
    # Request passed URL.
    r = requests.get(u)
    print r.status_code
    # Release lock for other threads.
    # Show the number of active threads.
    print threading.active_count()

def req():
    # Get URLs from a text file, remove white space.
    urls = [url.strip() for url in open('urllist.txt')]
    for u in urls:
        # Thread pool.
        # Blocks other threads (more than the set limit).
        # Create a new thread.
        # Pass each URL (i.e. u parameter) to the worker function.
        t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(u, ))
        # Start the newly create thread.





You can use the worker concept as described in the documentation:

Add a wait () command inside your workers to make them wait between requests (in the example from the documentation: inside "while true" after task_done).

Example: 5 "Working" - Threads with a latency of 1 s between requests will take less than 5 samples per second.



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