Perl version 5.20.1 is loaded. How do I customize the path?

I have loaded strawberries perl 5.20.1

in my windows 7.
 I have also installed the cpan module.
However, when I run the program, it still shows that it cannot find NET::OpenSSH

Do I have to do the correct path in the environment variables on my computer? If so, what is the correct path?

Should I be using something else instead?

I just want to login to Linux from window 7


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2 answers

From perldoc Net::OpenSSH


On the other hand, Net :: OpenSSH does not work on Windows, even under Cygwin. [..]

Net :: OpenSSH doesn't work on Windows. The OpenSSH mux feature requires file transfers over sockets, which is not supported by any version of Windows.



As described in Net::OpenSSH

#Known Issues

Known Issues

Net :: OpenSSH doesn't work on Windows. The OpenSSH mux feature requires file transfers over sockets, which is not supported by any version of Windows.


For alternatives see:



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