One query generated in> 1100 different queries in Entity Framework

I have a weird problem. I have a table called Item that refers to a table called brand via the BrandID key in the Item table.

I have an EF Code First model that has a Navigation property as listed in the Items table:

public virtual Brand Brand { get; set; }


I have a list of items that I am sending to a FilterItems method that receives a predicate from another method, executes a Where clause to return a list of filtered icons:

   public IEnumerable<Item> FilterItems(IEnumerable<Item> items)
                string searchString = txtSearchString.Text.ToUpper();

                Func<Item, bool> predicate;

                switch (Field)
                    case SearchField.Brand:
                        predicate = BuildBrandPredicate(searchString);
                    case SearchField.Model:
                        predicate = BuildModelPredicate(searchString);
                    case SearchField.Note:
                        predicate = BuildNotePredicate(searchString);
                    case SearchField.Reference:
                        predicate = BuildReferencePredicate(searchString);
                    case SearchField.Text:
                        predicate = BuildTextPredicate(searchString);

                var result = items.Where(predicate);
                return result;

        private Func<Item, bool> BuildBrandPredicate(string searchString)
            Func<Item, bool> predicate;
            //build the predicate for brand
            switch (cboSearchActions.Text)
                case "Exact":
                    predicate = (item => item.Brand.Description.ToUpper() == searchString);
                //Other similar functions go here but I am concentrating on Exact
            return predicate;


The database contains about 32,000 titles and 1,000 brands, each of which is associated with just one brand.

The search is very slow and when I debug the SQL I find that it does this sequence for every record in the brand table:

Opened connection at 29/09/2014 15:14:46 +01:00

    [Extent1].[ID] AS [ID], 
    [Extent1].[Description] AS [Description]
    FROM [Brand] AS [Extent1]
    WHERE [Extent1].[ID] = @EntityKeyValue1

-- EntityKeyValue1: '1' (Type = Int32, IsNullable = false)

-- Executing at 29/09/2014 15:14:46 +01:00

-- Completed in 6 ms with result: SqlCeDataReader


This is done a total of 1123 times, which is ridiculous.

Surely the generated sql must be a single sql statement with an inner join?

Can anyone please explain why this is happening and if there is anything I can do to stop this ridiculous behavior.

I use

  • Visual Studio 2012
  • FROM#
  • Sql Server Compact 4.0
  • Entity Framework 6
  • .Net 4.5

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1 answer


linq for objects - you say to do these operations separately for each item. It cannot compose queries unless you are using LINQ-to-some-backend like LINQ-to-Entities. Fortunately, this is usually as easy as replacing IEnumerable<T>

with IQueryable<T>

and Func<Foo,Bar>

with Expression<Func<Foo,Bar>>


    public IQueryable<Item> FilterItems(IQueryable<Item> items)
        string searchString = txtSearchString.Text.ToUpper();

        Expression<Func<Item, bool>> predicate;

        switch (Field)
            case SearchField.Brand:
                predicate = BuildBrandPredicate(searchString);
            case SearchField.Model:
                predicate = BuildModelPredicate(searchString);
            case SearchField.Note:
                predicate = BuildNotePredicate(searchString);
            case SearchField.Reference:
                predicate = BuildReferencePredicate(searchString);
            case SearchField.Text:
                predicate = BuildTextPredicate(searchString);

        var result = items.Where(predicate);
        return result;
    private Expression<Func<Item, bool>> BuildBrandPredicate(string searchString)
        Expression<Func<Item, bool>> predicate;
        //build the predicate for brand
        switch (cboSearchActions.Text)
            case "Exact":
                predicate = (item => item.Brand.Description.ToUpper() == searchString);
            //Other similar functions go here but I am concentrating on Exact
        return predicate;




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