Control group: 3 buttons horizontal, multiple lines on jQuery Mobile

Using jQuery Mobile v1.4.3 with jQuery 1.11 I am dynamically adding layers to the canvas using KinectJS. I am working on a layer control to move and hide layers. I am thinking about using a control group for this. I can add 4 horizontal buttons / links that look great. But when adding a new layer, I need to add four more buttons below the first four horizontal buttons. I can't seem to get this to work. I tried to add a controlgroup for each layer, but then I cannot dynamically add items to it. It throws an exception about an uninitialized cgroup.

So how can I get buttons like this:



I added a simple fiddle test: When you click the button it adds 4 links to the previous one. But he has to add them on a new line. BTW. I am still working on getting the stylism to work in the violin sample.


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1 answer

All buttons in the horizontal control group have float: left

and clear: none

. To force the newly added buttons to go to the next line, you clear: left

only need the first button of each new button group.

You can also update margin-bottom

to make each set appear as a separate group.

Then, to keep the cgroup UI, you need to add ui-first-child

to every first button and a class ui-last-child

to every fourth button after the update. Note that you don't need to call .enhanceWithin()

after adding a new element, .controlgroup("refresh")


.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn:nth-child(4n+1) {

.ui-controlgroup .ui-btn {
   margin-bottom: 2px;


$el = "<buttons>";





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