output.txt" it works fine, but...">

Python launches .exe application with argument

If I write this on the command line: "senna-win32.exe <input.txt> output.txt" it works fine, but I need to do it from python code, how is this possible?

I tried:

import subprocess
subprocess.call([pathToExe, "input.txt" , "output.txt"])


import subprocess
subprocess.call([pathToExe, '< input.txt > output.txt'])


I am getting the error "Invalid <input.txt> output.txt" argument.


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1 answer

Thank you Jack !!!

import subprocess
myinput = open('in.txt')
myoutput = open('out.txt', 'w')
p = subprocess.Popen('senna-win32.exe', stdin=myinput, stdout=myoutput)




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