Display custom messages in MiniProfiler

I added a miniprofiler and can see the timings for all requests. Can I display trace messages (or any other special information) using Miniprofiler. Please help if possible. I am using it on MVC3.net C # website.


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2 answers

You can create subsections of code in your application using the following syntax:

using (MiniProfiler.Current.Step("Extremely Complex Stuff")) 
  var data = myClass.GetSomeDate();


You can also add custom timing profiles (useful for profiling certain types of interactions other than sql, for example: redis / caching integration) with CustomTiming


using (MiniProfiler.Current.CustomTiming("Redis", "GetData")) 
  var data = CacheHelper.GetDataFromCache();


I would suggest cloning the repo and playing with the Sample.MVC app to see more things that can be done (these are demos of everything I said out of the box).



Just a slight improvement on Yaakov's answer,

If you have included a cache key like

using (MiniProfiler.Current.CustomTiming("Redis", key)) 
  var data = CacheHelper.GetDataFromCache();


Then your MP tracks will be more useful as they tell you which keys are available and you will be alerted to any duplicates.



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