C ++ 11 - Performance Difference in Pointer Validation - Smart Pointers

Is there any difference between testing a smart pointer eg. shared_ptr usingoperator bool

if (!smart_ptr)
    // ...


and using operator ==


if (smart_ptr == nullptr)
    // ...


I know the difference will be small (if any), but it can also help solve the coding style at the same time.


source to share

1 answer

In gccv4.8:

#include <memory>

bool is_empty(const std::unique_ptr<int>& p) {
  return p == nullptr;


creates assembly code:

is_empty(std::unique_ptr<int, std::default_delete<int> > const&):
    cmpq    $0, (%rdi)
    sete    %al


#include <memory>

bool is_empty2(const std::unique_ptr<int>& p) {
  return !p;


creates assembly code:

is_empty2(std::unique_ptr<int, std::default_delete<int> > const&):
    cmpq    $0, (%rdi)
    sete    %al


Hence it has nothing to do with a decent modern compiler.

Live Demo Jonathan Wackeli



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