Firefox css: active doesn't work together with sortable (works in IE and chrome)

It's much easier to explain with an example:

Problem: (In firefox) Cursor does not change to "Pointer" as I press td button to move row in table using jquery sort:

It works in Chrome and IE - opens the script file in Chrome and sees the difference


<table border="1" id="sortable">
    <tbody class="ui-sortable">
        <tr id="order-4" style="opacity: 1;" class="">
            <td class="handle ui-sortable-handle"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 1</td>
        <tr id="order-4" style="opacity: 1;" class="">
            <td class="handle ui-sortable-handle"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>Item 2</td>



#sortable td:hover { 
    cursor: s-resize;
#sortable td:active{ 
    cursor: pointer;


js: (Also jquery && jquery-ui)

$(function() {
    $( "#sortable tbody" ).sortable();
    $( "#sortable" ).disableSelection();


To summarize: Css: #sortable td:active{cursor: pointer;}

Doesn't work in FireFox Cursor doesn't change to pointer.

How can I get it to work in firefox too?



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1 answer

I don't know if it helps at all, but your jquery doesn't like it. If you take out the following two lines, it works:

$("#sortable tbody").sortable();




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