How to load Weblogic adapter into Eclipse Luna SR1

I am trying to download the Weblogic Adapter for Eclipse Luna SR1.

Every time I download a new version of eclipse, I just go to the Download More Server Adapters link to display a list of available adapters and select the weblogic adapter.

Now that Eclipse Luna SR1 has been released I cannot find the weblogic adapter. The glass fish adapter that is usually listed is not listed here.

What happens to Oracle adapters? How do I install this adapter if it is not on the list of adapters?


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3 answers

You can find the adapter you are looking for through the Eclipse Marketplace (see help -> Eclipse Marketplace). Search for "Oracle WebLogic Server Tools for Luna".



If you are looking for the entire Enterprise Oracle package, go to the marketplace and install the "Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE)". I searched for the question and got the best answer.



You can try using eclipse built with Oracle adapter.

Eclipse Luna + Weblogic Plugin: [ [1 ]



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