Firebase deploy does not copy or link any of the .js scripts in the bower_components directory of my Angular app

So, I followed the getting started guide for deploying Firebase app with firebase-tools

and I was able to successfully deploy part of my app.I got index.html

all my .js scripts in directories too project_name/app/scripts/**

. I can test this in dev tools. I can't see the .js script file loaded, located in the directory bower_components/

that is basically the core of my application (AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, etc.).

Why is this happening?

Screenshot from devtools enter image description here


  "firebase": "angfirenews",
  "public": "app",
  "ignore": [



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1 answer

Create a production version of your application that does not reference the / bower_components directory, which is outside the / app directory.

For all reasons see here , this is the best explanation I can think of.

So, if you are using Yeoman, run grunt build

to create a separate version of the finished version of your application in "/ dist", which does not require downloading the bower component directories.

Then use that / dist ( firebase init

) directory and upload it to your firebase hosting.

If you are not using Yeoman or some other generator, you can re-create your index.html and link to the local directories of these files manually. Just an option, not as simple though or complete (yeoman does other things like minify and ouglify).



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