Is there an equivalent python time module in Elixir?

In python, you can spend small chunks of code execution time using the timeit module.

Is there an equivalent in Elixir?


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1 answer

The simplest tool would be to use the Erlang module :timer

with one of its variants tc

. It returns the execution time in microseconds and the result of the function as a tuple. By the time of the anonymous function, you can do

{time, res} = fn -> :timer.sleep(1000) end
# {1000575, :ok}

{time, res} = -> :timer.sleep(ms) end, [1000])
# {1001283, :ok}


To execute a module function, you can do

defmodule Sleepy do
  def sleep(ms) do

{time, res} =, [1000])
# {1001106, :ok}

{time, res} =, :sleep, [1000])
# {1000352, :ok}


Timex is another option that has a more user-friendly API for measuring time, among other things, however if you only need something time is :timer

more than enough with a little wrapper code.



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