ASP.NET MVC on IISExpress rebuilds entire site for every request

My organization recently updated their hardware, so all software (VS 2013, etc.) was recently installed.

Now we all notice that the ASP.NET MVC 4.5 application is very slow.

It took me a while to notice this, but the output when debugging is the first entry after each request

'iisexpress.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: Domain 11): unloaded 'C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_32 \ mscorlib \ v4.0_4.0.0.0bbb5a5c561934e089 \ mscorlib.dll'

After this post, it shows that iisexpress is loading hundreds of .NET DLLs.

For next request it will become domain 12 and then hundreds of loaded dll entries will be loaded again.

Other applications always have a DefaultDomain and have no performance issues.

Is there some kind of setting that controls this?

Edit - more info: The very first request is DefaultDomain, then it starts increasing from domain 10.

The previous version of this app works fine in MVC 4.0.

One of the major additions between versions is microsoft owin.

A recorded event occurs on every request. Event message: The application is closing. Reason: The configuration has changed, but the files in the dev file have not changed. The ASP.NET Temp temp folder is restored every time.


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1 answer

There are ways to register the reason for the shutdown of the application domain:



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