Regular expression for multiple events in python

I need to parse lines with multiple language codes below

008800002     Bruxelles-Nord$Br ussel Nord$<deu>$Brussel Noord$<nld>


  • 008800002

    is id
  • Bruxelles-Nord$Br ussel Nord$

    is a name1
  • deu

    is language 1
  • $Brussel Noord$

    name 2
  • nld

    is a second language.

SO, an idea is a name and a language can appear N times. I need to collect them all. language in <>

is 3 characters long (fixed) and all names end with a sign $


I tried this one but it doesn't give the expected result.

x = re.compile('(?P<stop_id>\d{9})\s(?P<authority>[[\x00-\x7F]{3}|\s{3}])\s(?P<stop_name>.*)


I don't know how to get duplicate items. Required

Bruxelles-Nord$Br ussel Nord$<deu>$Brussel Noord$

as stop_name and <nld>

as language.


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2 answers

Do this in two steps. The first single identifier from the name / language pairs; then use re.finditer

in the name / language section to iterate over the pairs and stuff them into a dict.

import re

line = u"008800002     Bruxelles-Nord$Br ussel Nord$<deu>$Brussel Noord$<nld>"
m ="(\d+)\s+(.*)", line, re.UNICODE)
id =
names = {}
for m in re.finditer("(.*?)<(.*?)>",, re.UNICODE):
    names[] =
print id, names






Try it. Just grab the capture.see demo.



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