Jquery added input not passing data to server

In my div

c, class


I want to dynamically attach another set of input fields to the last element reps

and kilos

so that the user can add as many as he needs. I did it with my jQuery

code below, but I ran into a problem when I submit the input. Only the values ​​that form the original fields input

are sent to the server.

How can I write my code jQuery

so that input from new divs is also sent?

HTML form:

  <!-- Main body of page -->
  <main role="main">
      <div id="description">
          <p>Fill in your workout and then click <i>Save Workout</i> when you are done.</p>
          <p>To add an extra group for <strong>reps</strong> and <strong>kg's</strong>, click the <i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> sign on your screen.</p>

      <div id="forms">
          <form id="workout-form" name="workout-form" action="newworkout/workout" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

              <div class="workouts">
                  <label for="exercise" class="labels"><strong>Exercise</strong></label> <input type="text" name="exercise" id="exercise" placeholder="Which exercise?" autofocus />
                  <label for="musclegroup" class="labels"><strong>Muscle-Group</strong></label> <input type="text" name="musclegroup" id="musclegroup" placeholder="Which muscle-group?" />

                  <div class="sets">
                      <label for="reps" class="labels">Reps</label> <input type="text" name="reps" id="reps" class="reps-column" placeholder="How many reps?" />
                      <label for="kilos" class="labels">Kg's</label> <input type="text" name="kilos" id="kilos" class="kilos-column" placeholder="How much Kg?" />

              <button id="add-set"class="add-buttons" type="button"><i class="fa fa-plus-circle fa-2x"></i></button>
              <button id="submit-workout" type="submit"><strong>Save Workout</strong></button>




$(document).ready(function() {
  console.log('Document ready');

  // function to add sets to specific exercise
  $('#add-set').on('click', function() {
    console.log ('Button add-set clicked');

        var htmlSets = '<div class="sets">' +
            '<label for="reps" class="labels">Reps</label><input type="text" id="reps" class="reps-column" placeholder="How many reps?" />' +
            '<label for="kilos" class="labels">Kg\'s</label><input type="text" id="kilos" class="kilos-column" placeholder="How much Kg?" />' +





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1 answer

The problem is that the elements don't have names. It is an attribute name

that determines which key is for the value sent to the server, so only fields that have names can be sent to the server.

Add names to elements:

var htmlSets = '<div class="sets">' +
  '<label for="reps" class="labels">Reps</label><input type="text" name="reps" id="reps" class="reps-column" placeholder="How many reps?" />' +
  '<label for="kilos" class="labels">Kg\'s</label><input type="text" name="kilos" id="kilos" class="kilos-column" placeholder="How much Kg?" />' +


You are also creating multiple elements with the same ID, which can cause problems if you are actually trying to use the ID for something in the future.



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