Spring saml, second local alias and context object

I have a system with two load balancing applications for separate networks.

In spring -saml application, extension is used to authenticate with IdP (one visible from both networks). For the first location, everything works as expected - by default SP with entityId = exampleSP1.

When I set up a second SP metadata (local with a different entityId = exampleSP2) and invoke it with / saml / login / alias / exampleSP 2 The application gets a successful response from the IdP, but during the SAMLC exception, theredential validation is thrown: "Designated SAML destination endpoint is not matches the destination endpoint "

When using the second endpoint, the SP is different from the one configured in the contextProviderLB and an exception is thrown.

Is there a way to define a separate contextProviderLB depends on which SP (or starting url) is being used?


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1 answer

You run into an issue https://jira.spring.io/browse/SES-150 which is now fixed in the trunk. Update your Spring SAML. And thanks for leaving your comment on Jira.



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