Singleton implementation using factory method

I am trying to create a class that has a singleton property using a static factory method.

package ishan.Beans;

public class ControlManager {

    private static ControlManager controlManager=null;

    private  double id;

    private ControlManager()

    public static ControlManager getControlManager()

            return new ControlManager();

        return controlManager;

    public double getId() {
        return id;


package ishan.Beans;

public class Usage {

    public static void main(String a[])
        ControlManager cManager=ControlManager.getControlManager();

        ControlManager c=ControlManager.getControlManager();




Every time I run this code, I get different ControlManager instances in c and cManager. I cannot figure out the problem or what I am doing wrong.


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3 answers

You are not saving the new instance you create ... your code is:

public static ControlManager getControlManager()

        return new ControlManager();


but should be:

public static ControlManager getControlManager() {

    if(controlManager == null) {
        controlManager = new ControlManager();
        return controlManager;




Change your getControlManager()



return new ControlManager();



controlManager = new ControlManager();


This is what it should look like at the end:

public static ControlManager getControlManager() {
    if(controlManager == null) {
        controlManager = new ControlManager();

    return controlManager;


Also, something opinion-based, but backed up by imo conventions:
When writing conditional operators ( if

), the order of your conditions should follow a natural expression. Example:

  • Poorly: if (null == contorlManager)

  • Good: if (controlManager == null)

The reason or purpose for this is to keep the code readable. Nobody asks, "Is the traffic light green?"

For more information on this see Yoda Terms



Your code should be changed like:

public static ControlManager getControlManager() {
    if(controlManager == null)controlManager = new ControlManager();          
    return controlManager;


Good luck !!!



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