How to use ng-click on li to hide its parent ul address

I have a list refreshing the results in my li elements:

<ul ng-init="visible = true" ng-show="visible">
    <li ng-repeat="suggestion in results" 
        ng-click="visible = false">


I would like to hide my list (ul) when I clicked, but I cannot get it to work ... is this a bad way to do it?


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1 answer


creates a scope for each iteration, so your variable visible

from element is ul

not necessarily the same as in every element li

. Calling the parent variable from elements li

should fix it:

<ul ng-init="visible = true" ng-show="visible">
    <li ng-repeat="suggestion in results" 
        ng-click="$parent.visible = false"> <--this is the key


What you wrote initially will allow you to hide each element li


See the difference here:



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