Java doesn't recognize elements in ArrayList?

I have a program where I make an arraylist to hold some booth objects. I keep getting the message that I get the message from the message that java doesn't recognize that the arraylist has objects. This is the error I am getting.

Exception on stream "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 20, Size: 20
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck (Unknown source)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get (Unknown source)
    at edu.Tridenttech.MartiC. app.CabOrginazer.main (

This is the code I am trying to execute

public class CabOrginazer {

private static List<CabProperties> cabs = new ArrayList<CabProperties>();
private static  int count = 0;
private static boolean found = false;

public void cabOrginazer() 


public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    CabRecordReaper reaper = new CabRecordReaper("C:/CabRecords/September.txt");
    CabProperties cabNum;

    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        cabNum = new CabProperties();
            CabRecord file = reaper.getNextRecord();
            for(int j = 0; j < cabs.size(); j++)
                if(cabs.get(j).getCabID() == file.getCabId())
                    found = true;
                    cabs.get(j).setTypeAndValue(file.getType(), file.getValue(), file.getPerGallonCost());


            if(found == false)
            /*for(CabProperties taxi : cabs)
                if(taxi.getCabID() == file.getCabId())
                    found = true;
                    taxi.setTypeAndValue(file.getType(), file.getValue(), file.getPerGallonCost());



    for(CabProperties taxi : cabs)
        System.out.print("cab ID: " + taxi.getCabID());
        System.out.print("\tGross earning: " +  taxi.getGrossEarn());
        System.out.print("\tTotal Gas Cost: " + taxi.getGasCost());
        System.out.print("\tTotal Service Cost: " +  taxi.getServiceCost());





line 48 is the inside of that if statement, where stated cabs.get(count).setCabId(file.getCabId());

with a little knowledge I have in Java. Java needs to know there are elements inside cabs

and I need to be able to install the id

cabins. What can cause Java not to know that the array is inhabited?


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2 answers

The list is not populated with an item in an item count

. Look at the exception: you have 20 elements in the list, so valid indices are 0 through 19 inclusive. You are requesting record 20 (i.e. the 21st record). It doesn't exist.

It seems that your block should look something like this:

if (!found)
    CabProperties properties = new CabProperties();
    // Probably set more stuff


You might as well get rid of the variable entirely count

- and your initial collection of list with dummy properties. It is very strange to fill in a list like this to start with - which you usually do with a fixed-size array. One of the main advantages of using List

it like ArrayList

is that it is dynamically sized.



Java recognizes members just fine. You have 20 members in your array, indexed from index 0 to index 19.

You are asking for index 20, which does not exist.

Cycle for:



there has to be a lot more execution than you expect, and your data is beaten by the found == false

if condition (which you can just say if (!found) { ...

) many times, and 21 times it fails with index-out- exceptions.

You should also figure out how to use your debugger.



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