QDialog - How to remove a minimize button
Qt 4.8 based, application - QDialog issue, decrease button
Windows and Gnome (linux)
- A modal dialog box appears with a close button at the top right, and the minimize button is nonexistent .
- In each dialog box, the Reduce option is grayed out.
- This makes sense since the QDialog is modal - if you minify it, the entire application will be blocked.
But here comes the problem:
- in KDE (linux) a minimize-maximize button appears.
It seems to be platform dependent -
I'm not really sure what to do.
Any ideas ...? (I've tried with several windowsFlags already, but couldn't find one that works.
- setWindowFlags (Qt :: CustomizeWindowHint | Qt :: WindowCloseButtonHint);
- Qt :: WindowFlags flags = getWindowFlags (); flags | = Qt :: WindowMinimizeButtonHint; setWindowFlags (flags)
--- But the main question is why the behavior on Windows / GNOME is different from KDE
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2 answers
if you want MainWindow to have no buttons, use this in the MainWindow constructor:
and if you only want to remove the minimize button use this:
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From Qt Documentation :
On Linux with KDE, this code makes a window without closing and minimizes and maximizes buttons in the title bar.
setWindowFlags( Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowTitleHint );
Jacob krieg
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