Hard query with aggregation

I am using Oracle SQL and I need help with a hard query.

I have two tables ( table_A


GroupID (int)
ClientID (int)
Age (int)


( table_B


GroupID (int)
Budget (int)


My request should be fulfilled for each client group:

  • Calculate the average age of the group
  • Calculate the average budget of each client with age as average age (age can be over or under 1). For example: Average_Age - 1 <Average_Age <Average_Age + 1.
  • Output value

    : (budget) / (average budget)

For example table_A


GroupID | ClientID  | Age
    A   |   11      | 26
    A   |   22      | 27
    A   |   33      | 21
    B   |   44      | 22
    B   |   55      | 29
    B   |   66      | 25
    C   |   77      | 23
    C   |   88      | 22
    C   |   99      | 20
    D   |   111     | 24
    D   |   222     | 26
    D   |   333     | 25




GroupID | Budget
   A    |  100
   B    |  200
   C    |  300
   D    |  400


None of the values ​​in the tables are fixed. Example of calculating the output value of group A:

  • Average age in group A: (27 + 27 + 21) / 3 = 24.6
  • Customer IDs aged 23 to 25: 66, 77, 111, 333. Their average budget: (200 + 300 + 400 * 2) / 4 = 325
  • The output value should be: 100/325 = 0.307

The output table should be

 GroupID    |  Output Value
    A       |     0.307
    B       |     ....
    C       |     ....
    D       |     ....


Any guidance on how to do this? I have tried so many ways. I feel lost.


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2 answers

Prepare test data (fixed typo by name and type):

drop table table_a;

create table table_a(
GroupID  varchar2(10),
ClientID int,
Age      int

drop table table_b;

create table table_b(
GroupID varchar2(10),
Budget  int

insert into table_a values('A',   11  , 26);
insert into table_a values('A',   22  , 27);
insert into table_a values('A',   33  , 21);
insert into table_a values('B',   44  , 22);
insert into table_a values('B',   55  , 29);
insert into table_a values('B',   66  , 25);
insert into table_a values('C',   77  , 23);
insert into table_a values('C',   88  , 22);
insert into table_a values('C',   99  , 20);
insert into table_a values('D',   111 , 24);
insert into table_a values('D',   222 , 26);
insert into table_a values('D',   333 , 25);

insert into table_b values('A',   100);
insert into table_b values('B',   200);
insert into table_b values('C',   300);
insert into table_b values('D',   400);



The request itself:

select a1.GroupId, a2.groupid, a2.clientid, b1.budget/avg(b2.budget) over(partition by a1.groupid) as avg_budget
 from (select GroupId, trunc(avg(age)) as avg_age
        from table_a
       group by GroupId
     ) a1
 inner join table_a a2
    on a2.age between a1.avg_age - 1 and a1.avg_age + 1
 inner join table_b b1
    on b1.groupid = a1.groupid    
 inner join table_b b2
    on b2.groupid = a2.groupid    
order by a1.GroupId, a2.clientid



A   B   66  0.307692307692308
A   C   77  0.307692307692308
A   D   111 0.307692307692308
A   D   333 0.307692307692308
B   A   11  0.666666666666667
B   B   66  0.666666666666667
B   D   111 0.666666666666667
B   D   222 0.666666666666667
B   D   333 0.666666666666667
C   A   33  1.33333333333333
C   B   44  1.33333333333333
C   C   88  1.33333333333333
C   C   99  1.33333333333333
D   A   11  1.33333333333333
D   B   66  1.33333333333333
D   D   111 1.33333333333333
D   D   222 1.33333333333333
D   D   333 1.33333333333333




select Q1.GroupID, Q2.Budget/Q1.Budget_avg as Output_value from
select GroupID,ClientID,avg(budget) as Budget_avg from table_A A,table_B B
where A.GroupID =B.GroupID
group by GroupID,ClientID
) Q1,(select GroupID,Budget from table_B) Q2
where Q1.GroupID = Q2.GroupID


Can you try this and let me know if it works for you?



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