Splitting the list considering all sections and section numbers

Suppose I am given a list of items:

[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J]

I am asked to split them into 3 lists and take the second list:

[A, B, C, D] [E, F, G] [H, I, J]

How should I do it?

I think the function would look like

public List<Item> SplitItems(
    List<Item> items, 
    int totalPartitions, 
    int partitionNumber) { }


I can get a list if it partitionNumber

is 1 (first set) using the calculations associated with the modulo totalPartitions

and operation partitionNumber

, but I am having problems getting list partitionNumber

2 and above.

@Blorgbeard: Here is the code I have so far. Again, I can only handle the first section:

int itemsCount = items.Count;
int setCount = itemsCount/totalPartitions + ((itemsCount%totalPartitions >= partitionNumber) ? 1 : 0);
return webItems.Take(setCount).ToList();



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3 answers

int smallPartitionSize = list.Count / totalPartitions;
int remainder = list.Count % totalPartitions;
int selectedPartitionSize = smallPartitionSize + (partitionNumber <= remainder) ? 1 : 0;
var start = (partitionNumber - 1) * smallPartitionSize + Math.Min(remainder, partitionNumber - 1);
return list.Skip(start).Take(selectedPartitionSize);




Another approach is to create a set of evenly spaced numbers 0-2 and Zip

with your positions:

var items = new[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
var n = items.Length;

var partitioner = Enumerable.Range(0, n).Select (e => (e * 3) / n );
// Values: { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }

var result = partitioner.Zip(items, (i,s) => new {i,s})
                        .Where(z => z.i == 1).Select(z => z.s).ToList();




public static List<T> SplitItems<T>(
    List<T> items,
    int totalPartitions,
    int partitionNumber)
    var result = new List<T>();
    int partitionIndex = partitionNumber - 1;
    int size = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)items.Count / totalPartitions);
    result.AddRange(items.Skip(size * partitionIndex).Take(size));
    return result;




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