Limitations of Webkitdirectory file selection in chrome

I am trying to use the HTML5 and JavaScript File API to trigger a bulk upload using the webkitdirectory attribute.

<input type="file" class="left files file-input" name="dir" id="dir_input" webkitdirectory="" directory="" multiple="">


Ideally, the user can load the entire hard drive in one step. I have a test dataset of 750K documents of varying sizes and file extensions in a folder. When I select a folder using the Browse For Folder dialog, Chrome temporarily pauses and turns dark gray. There are no bugs in developer tools and no messages.

I am assuming this is happening because the selected directory contains too much information. I tried to upload 100k.txt files and it went smoothly. However, random 750k file types (.pdf, .xls, .doc, etc.) lead to this error.

I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a limit and if so what is the limit and ultimately is there a way to remove or change the limit?



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1 answer

There is a HEAP limitation issue in hrome. You can only read so many files because chrome ends up.



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