Uninstalling SQL Server Management Studio 2014 on Windows 8

I have a student who installed SQL Server 2014 with tools, but the Management Studio part didn't install. There is no SSMMS.EXE on the machine.

So, I tried reinstalling it and the Management Studio tools showed up, but greyed out, so the SQL installer won't let me make any changes.

So, I tried to uninstall SSMS from Control Panel -> uninstaller. However, he was not there.

So, I uninstalled all SQL Server programs, then I killed all running instances, then I deleted all MSSQLServer files in both program files and program files (x64). Then I updated Visual Studio 2010. Then I tried to reinstall SQL Server.

The tools appeared again, but they were checked and grayed out.

Soooo. The SQL server thinks the SSMS tools are installed and therefore won't allow me to reinstall them. However, they are not installed, so I cannot remove them.

Any idea how to convince SQL Server that the tools are actually missing?


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1 answer

Caveat incomplete answer, but a few more things to try:

1) Could you please provide the download link you are using - perhaps SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is not included so it cannot be installed? From reading the FAQ, it looks like this ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/hh322942 )

Try this link to install http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29062

2) Another thread covers a potentially linked instance in which express was also installed and a block was created to install SSMS. ( Cannot install SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Tool (Full) )

3) A long shot would be if there is something left in the registry that is causing the block. See if there is also an entry in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Microsoft SQL Server], and if so rename to "_bkp"

The last two suggestions are long snapshots, but you can try: 4) Try to repair the installation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc646006.aspx 5) Try to install as logged in as a different user.



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