Can i use numeric functions in crf model

Is it possible / helpful to add numeric functions in crf models? for example a position in a sequence.

I am using CRFsuite . It seems that all functions will be converted to string, eg. 'pos = 0', 'pos = 1', which then lose its value as Euclidean distance.

Or should I use them to train another model for example. svm and then an ensemble with crf models?


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3 answers

I found out that CRFsuite works with numeric functions, at least according to this documentation :

  • {'string_key': float_weight, ...} defines where keys are observables and values ​​are their weights;
  • {'string_key': bool, ...} dict; True is converted to 1.0 weight, False to 0.0;
  • {'string_key': 'string_value', ...} dict; this is the same as {'string_key = string_value': 1.0, ...}
  • ['string_key1', 'string_key2', ...] list; this is the same as {'string_key1': 1.0, 'string_key2': 1.0, ...}
  • {'string_prefix': {...}} dicts: the nested dict is processed and 'string_prefix' is appended to each key.
  • {'string_prefix': [...]} dicts: the nested list is processed and 'string_prefix' is appended to each key.
  • {'string_prefix': set ([...])} dicts: the nested list is processed and 'string_prefix' is appended to each key.


  1. I am keeping the input correctly formatted;
  2. I am using float versus float string;
  3. I will normalize this.


CRF itself can use numeric functions, and you should use them, but if your implementations convert them to strings (binary-encode "one encoding hotspot") then this may be downgraded. I suggest looking for a cleaner CRF that allows continuous variables.

An interesting fact is that the CRF at its core is simply structured by MaxEnt (LogisticRegression), which runs on a contiguous domain , this string encoding is actually a way to go from a categorical value to a contiguous domain , so your problem is actually the result of "overriding" CRFSuite, which forgot about the real possibilities of the CRF model.



Just to clarify my answer (this is correct, but might be confusing to other readers like me until I tried it). It:

{'string_key': float_weight, ...} defines where keys are observables and values ​​are their weights

could be written as

{'feature_template_name': feature_value, ...} defines where keys are item names and values ​​are their values

those. in doing so, you are not setting the weight for the CRF corresponding to this feature_template, but the value of this function. I prefer to refer to them in function templates that have function values ​​to make things clearer than just "functions". The CRF then knows the weight associated with each of the possible feature_values ​​for that feature_template



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