SQL SELECT id and number of elements in one table

I have the following SQL table columns ...

id | item | position | set
 1 |   1  |     1    | 1
 2 |   1  |     1    | 2
 3 |   2  |     2    | 1
 4 |   3  |     2    | 2


In one query, I need to get all the row ids that match set='1'

while counting how many instances in the same table that it references item

are referenced regardless set


Here's what I've been doing so far ...

    (SELECT count(j1.item) FROM table_join AS j2) AS count 
    table_join AS j1 
    j1.set = '1';


... although the subquery returns multiple rows. With the above data, the first item must have a count of 2, all other items must have a count of 1.


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2 answers

This should work:

,   (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_join i WHERE i.item = j.item) AS count
FROM table_join j
WHERE set='1'


This is similar to your request, but the subquery is consistent with the outer offer request WHERE


Demo .



Alternatively, for performance testing, you can use the JOIN

dependent subquery instead of;

SELECT tj.id, COUNT(tj2.id) count
FROM table_join tj
LEFT JOIN table_join tj2 ON tj.item = tj2.item
WHERE tj.`set`=1
GROUP BY tj.id


SQLfiddle for testing with .



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