Ajax add JSON value for each chart

I have an Arduino over an ethernet shield giving out a value every second via AJAX. I would like to calculate this value in Flot . This requires the value to be put in JSON like this

[[epochtimestamp, value], [epochtimestamp, value]]


So I was wondering if you could help me use JavaScript / AJAX (or PHP if you think it's appropriate) to get this value every second and add it to JSON inside a .txt file (used to store previous values ), so Flot can read all values ​​and create a time-based plot, but update the plot every second via AJAX.

This is the basic process that should happen every second.

  • Arduino Updates Value (I did this bit)
  • Javascript or PHP file that adds this value to JSON with a timestamp
  • The fleet updates and displays the new value.

Here is some code I started, but it will need to be called AJAX every second and won't do all the work.

$file    = 'data.txt';
$webpage = 'test.txt';
$t       = time(); // Open the file to get existing content 
$current = file_get_contents($file);
$data    = file_get_contents($webpage);
// Append a new person to the file 
if ($current < 1) {
    $current .= "[[" + $t + "," + $data + "]";
} else {
    $current .= ", " + "[" + $t + "," + $data + "]";
} // Write the contents back to the file 
file_put_contents($file, $current);
echo $current;


I'm not sure if it would be easier to work with Javascript / AJAX?


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1 answer

Take a look at the source flo for a real-time update example.

You can call your PHP script via AJAX from the browser, your client code should look like this.

// Initialize your empty plot
var plot = $.plot("#myPlot", [], {
  series: {
    shadowSize: 0 // Drawing is faster without shadows
  yaxis: {
    min: 0,
    max: 100
  xaxis: {
    show: false

function update() {
    // Make an ajax call to your script to get data provided by your script
    // Which reads that data.txt from Arduino.
        url: "yourhost/yourscript.php",
        context: document.body
    }).done(function(response) {
        // Get the ajax response
        data = response;

        // If data is not null, set your plot data.
        if (data != null)

        // Draw the plot.

        // Re-invoke update.

// Initial call to the update func.




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