How to create CMBlockBufferRef from NSData

I am struggling (getting memory errors or apparently not freeing memory correctly) trying to create a CMBlockBufferRef filled with data from existing NSData (or NSMutableData). I would be happy with a solution that copies data, but ideally I would look at a solution that will use the base NSData bytes and hold a strong reference to the NSData object until the CMBlockBuffer is freed.


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For read-only buffer referencing NSData

(no copying, of course), I just found a way to achieve it.

static void releaseNSData(void *o, void *block, size_t size)
    NSData *data = (__bridge_transfer NSData*) o;
    data = nil; // Assuming ARC is enabled

OSStatus createReadonlyBlockBuffer(CMBlockBufferRef *result, NSData *data)
    CMBlockBufferCustomBlockSource blockSource =
        .version       = kCMBlockBufferCustomBlockSourceVersion,
        .AllocateBlock = NULL,
        .FreeBlock     = &releaseNSData,
        .refCon        = (__bridge_retained void*) data,
    return CMBlockBufferCreateWithMemoryBlock(NULL, (uint8_t*) data.bytes, data.length, NULL, &blockSource, 0, data.length, 0, result);




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