Serial Sensor Data - Eliminate Unwanted Strings

I am using python code to select a sensor connected to a serial port.

This works very well in most cases. However, sometimes the output from the sensor is incorrect:

['\x80', '19.38', '22.7', '649', 'w\\'] - correct
['\x80', '19.46', '22.7', '648', 'wZ'] - correct
['\x80', '19.49', '22.7', '650', 'w'] - correct
['w', '\x80', '19.45', '22.7', '650'] - error


This is causing a lot of problems with my code. I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to start splitting a string with a value after "\ x80" or some other way around this?


If the string I receive from the sensor is called "receive" then my code is

Var1,Var2,Var3,Var4,Var5 = receive.split()


Now I need to convert Var2 to float so that I can do some math data on it

Var2float = float(Var2)


This works most of the time when Var2 is a value like 19.38 until the encoder output moves and Var2 becomes "/ x80" which cannot be converted to float

Any ideas on how to filter or work around this sensor output error?


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3 answers

A simple sentence try except

will solve the problem:

my_buffer = ['\x80', '19.38', '22.7', '649', 'w\\']
converted_buffer = []
for v in my_buffer:
    except ValueError:
        print "{} cannot be converted, skipping to the next".format(v)
print converted_buffer



  cannot be converted, skipping to the next
w\ cannot be converted, skipping to the next
[19.38, 22.7, 649.0]


You can iterate over the buffer and when ValueError

only raises the question of what to do with the value. In this case, we just print it out, you can register it or do whatever you want with it.

Note . I think that sync frame

from the device, the signifier \x80

says that this is the beginning of the transmission. Many sensors have start and end frames for synchronization.



The easiest way I can think of is to use a regex to find the end of the substring \x80

and split the string starting at that.

Here's an example

import re

data = [
    r'\x80 19.38 22.7 649 w\\',
    r'\x80 19.46 22.7 648 wZ',
    r'\x80 19.49 22.7 650 w',
    r'w \x80 19.45 22.7 650',

for record in data:
    m =' \\x80 \s+ ', record, flags=re.X)
    if m:
        values = record[m.end():].split()



['19.38', '22.7', '649', 'w\\\\']
['19.46', '22.7', '648', 'wZ']
['19.49', '22.7', '650', 'w']
['19.45', '22.7', '650']




The general concept would first involve buffering the data, a second check if you have a whole sequence, and a third retrieving the sequence. The next class makes buffering and reading and viewing of single bytes possible.

class MySerialBuffer:
    def __init__(self):
      self.buffer = []
    def peek(self):
      return self.buffer[0]
    def read(self):
      return self.buffer.pop(0)
    def count(self):
      return len(self.buffer)
    def fill(self, new):
      self.buffer = self.buffer + new
    def extract(self):
      while self.count() > 0 and self.peek() != '\x80':
      if self.count() < 4:
        return None
      return (,,
    def __iter__(self):
      while True:
        out = self.extract()
        if out is None:
        yield out

  msb = MySerialBuffer()
  msb.fill(['\x80', '19.38', '22.7', '649'])
  msb.fill(['\x80', '19.38', '22.7', '649'])
  msb.fill(['w', '\x80', '33.4', '19.38', '22.7', '649', 'f', 'w'])
  msb.fill(['\x80', '19.38', '22.7', '649', 'w'])

  for reading in msb:


This can significantly improve performance. Also, depending on how you read the data, this can be greatly simplified, and performance has increased by handling your data differently, since I wrote a class to work with what you stated in your question. You can read actual integer values, and you can process them as you read them into the buffer. Also you can use a more efficient system than list

if you are processing many samples per second to help. The list is ineffective and adds new items and also the operation is pop

ineffective. However, there are other primitive collections that can handle these types of operations more efficiently, eg Queue




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