Ember-Data: Is my custom `serializeIntoHash` returning an empty hash?

By default, when the RESTAdapter sends a request to the server for POST data, it sends the model typeKey

as the hash root:

typeKey: { data }


but my server wants a "no root" hash:

{ data }


I found that this is a method to overwrite, but something I am doing is not only causing the root to be deleted, but the hash itself is empty too ... although my console.log shows it is record

serializing to a hash.

import ApplicationSerializer from './application';

export default ApplicationSerializer.extend({

    serializeIntoHash: function(hash, type, record, options) {

        console.log(' hash going in: ' + JSON.stringify(hash));  // hash is {} going in

        hash = this.serialize(record, options);

        console.log('hash going out: ' + JSON.stringify(hash)); // hash is { full of data } going out

        return hash;  // after this, for some reason the request goes out as an empty hash {}



Am I not returning the changed hash correctly? I've also tried these options:

return (hash, type, record, options)



return this._super(hash);



return this._super(hash, type, record, options);


I won't return anything, it seems to work. I don't know what I am doing wrong?

I noticed in the API Docs for the method , no return

, but if I rule out I get the same question, so I don't know if I even need to return or not?


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2 answers

The method is serializeIntoHash

funky, the caller doesn't expect you to return a hash (as noted), it expects you to change the hash that was sent.

This means that if you just set the hash, you will no longer have to deal with the hash being removed. You will need to set properties / remove properties from this instance.

Here they combine the results to accomplish what I say: https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/v1.0.0-beta.10/packages/ember-data/lib/serializers/json_serializer.js#L500



My guess is in your serializeIntoHash

import ApplicationSerializer from './application';

export default ApplicationSerializer.extend({

    serializeIntoHash: function(hash, type, record, options) {

        console.log(' hash going in: ' + JSON.stringify(hash)); 

        hash = this.serialize(record, options); // <---- THIS LINE

        console.log('hash going out: ' + JSON.stringify(hash)); 

        return hash;



It has something to do with javascript closure. hash

the parameter value does not change, instead javascript created a copy hash

and reassigned the new value. When the function is executed, the parameter hash

remains unchanged, the variable hash

is discarded, and the Ember rest.js source code does not expect a return value.

What can you do is

serializeIntoHash: function(hash, type, record, options) {
    this._super(...arguments); // ES6 Syntax

    // extract variable outside
    Object.keys(hash.someInnerVariable).forEach(key => {
      hash[key] = hash.someInnerVariable[key];
    delete hash.someInnerVariable1
    delete hash.someInnerVariable2


You get the idea, change the hash variable itself, rather than reassign its value.

Let me know if you have further questions.



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