Exact way to ignore / not write files in git

In my project, I have a gitignore file that nicely has an instruction to ignore node_modules like:

# node.js / npm




It works as expected. Git doesn't see changes inside node_modules.

I have changes to a file inside node_modules that I would like to include in further commits as it will definitely change. But at the same time, I want the rest of the node_modules to be ignored. This is an example of what I need for "unignore":



I had the same problem a while ago. I followed some instructions on how to do it, but I ended up creating a mess ... I remember I was using Git uncheck / untrack or something similar. It took me longer to fix what I broke by trying to "not write" the file. I ended up manually changing the line of code to git.

This time, I really would like to get it right.


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3 answers

You don't need to add any special exception, git already handles this once the file has been added once.

To add a file that matches the filter in yours .gitignore

, just force it by adding the parameter -f


git add -f node_module/passport-saml/saml.js


After adding a file, it will be tracked like any other file, even if the ignore filter matches.

Just change it and then add it as usual:

git add node_module/passport-saml/saml.js


What is it. There is no need for any special rules or exceptions.



You can add this file and start tracking it with the option --force


git add --force node_module/passport-saml/saml.js


From the git add

man page



Allow adding ignored files.



You can use !

before path in your .gitignore file to invert the pattern:



From the man page :

Additional prefix "!" what the template denies; any matching file excluded by the previous template will be included again



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