Angular Dart Component Events

I am trying to pass custom events from a component to its parent component / controller


<div class="comfirm-component">
    <a href="#" ng-click="ctrl.yes()">Yes</a>
    <a href="#" ng-click="">No</a>



    selector: "confirm-component",
    templateUrl: 'confirm.html',
    useShadowDom: false,
    publishAs: "ctrl"
class ConfirmComponent {
    void yes(){
        // Fire confirm-yes event

    void no(){
        // Fire confirm-no event


is there something like this ?:

<confirm-component on-confirm-yes="doSomething()" on-confirm-no="doSomethingElse()">
    Do you want to delete


I could have used a regular StreamController, but then I had to connect my components with code.



I also found this: How to communicate between DART Angular controllers

And this: angulardart components - dispatching a custom event

Both pointers specify scope.emit. But I haven't found a way to use it with a component instead of a controller. Is there a complete example vor angular.dart v0.14.0?

Is scope.emit what I'm looking for?


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2 answers

It should be the same, just add the scope argument to the constructor for the component to inject the input scope.

There was a related change in Angular 0.14.0

I haven't tried this yet. From the description, you need to implementScopeAware

class MyComponent implements ScopeAware {
  Watch watch;
  MyComponent(Dependency myDep) {
    // It is an error to add a Scope / RootScope argument to the ctor and will result in a DI
    // circular dependency error - the scope is never accessible in the class constructor

  void set scope(Scope scope) {
     // with this scope you should be able to use emit
     // This setter gets called to initialize the scope
     watch ="expression", (v, p) => ...);




Based on the answer from Günter, I built this working example:

    selector: "confirm-component",
    templateUrl: 'component/confirm.html',
    useShadowDom: false,
    publishAs: "ctrl"

class ConfirmComponent implements ScopeAware {
    Scope scope;

    void yes(){
        scope.emit('confirm', 'yes');

    void no(){
        scope.emit('confirm', 'no');

    selector: "my-component",
    templateUrl: 'component/my.html',
    useShadowDom: false,
    publishAs: "ctrl"
class MyComponent implements ScopeAware{

    void set scope(Scope scope) {
        Stream mystream = scope.on('confirm');
            print('confirmed: ' +;




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