What is the difference between path :: string () and path :: generic_string () in boost?

What is the difference between boost::path::string()

and boost::path::generic_string()

, and when should you use each?


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2 answers

This is clearly stated in the documentation ; you only need to read the documentation to gain knowledge and understanding. Please get used to this from now on.

nudge :: path :: string

Returns a std::string

in native pathname format .

nudge :: path :: generic_string

Returns a std::string

in general path format .

When to use each one

Well, that's up to you, and depends on your needs! The following quote, again from the documentation, might help & hellip;

[Note. For ISO / IEC 9945, no conversion occurs because the native format and the common format are the same. For Windows, backslash is converted to slides - note]

In everyday use, you can effectively say:

  • On Windows, native format is backslash and general format is slash.
  • On Linux, both formats have a slash.


By reading your mind, you are programming on the Windows system.

On your system, as far as can be said, the preferred separator between path elements \

. However, it /

is an acceptable delimiter.

Constructor boost::fs::path


[Note. For ISO / IEC 9945 and Windows implementations, the generic format is already acceptable as a native format, so no generic native conversion is performed. - note]

Note the Windows implementation proposal - the generic (delimited /

) format is already valid, so no conversion is done.

Then when you call t/fn

, the operator is used appends

, or /

, or /=

. It states:

[Note: For implementations of ISO / IEC 9945, including Unix flavors, Linux, and Mac OS X, the single forward slash is the preferred directory separator.

For Windows-like implementations, including Cygwin and MinGW, the preferred directory separator is a single backslash. --End note]

And the preferred separator \

for Windows systems.

Thus, when building, there is no transition from the general to the system, but when added using operator/

or a similar value, it is.

As a result, your string looks ugly.

If you want to fix this problem, you can iterate over your "wrong" path with begin

and end

and save / add items to the new path with operator/


boost::fs::path fix( boost::fs::path in ) {
  boost::fs::path retval;
  for ( auto element : in ) {
    if (retval.empty())
      retval = in;
      retval /= in;
  return retval;


which, if I read the right of the docs, will take your mixed slash path and create a clean file.

If you are stuck with C ++ 03 iterating over in

with in.begin()

and in.end()

and boost::fs::path::iterator




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