F # Interactive memory leak

If I open fsi and paste the following:



I get:

System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.


The same if I prefix let x =

. It seems that links to the highest level continue to be held, however inaccessible they are. Is there a way to clean up these things without losing the convenience of data flow? Right now I'm just rebooting to clean up, but that's awkward.


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2 answers

Since you're ready to use let x = [1..10000000]

, use:

let mutable x = [1..10000000];; 


and data memory reuse:

x <- [1..10000000];;  


and free up data memory usage:

x <- [];; 




I don't think there is a way to clear the top level links in FSI. You can increase the amount of memory that FSI can use by using 64-bit mode for F # Interactive. In VisualStudio it is "Tools-Options-F # Tools-> F # Interactive" settings



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