Coveralls coverage does not match SimpleCov
I am using "simplecov" and "overalls" ruby stones, but the report generated by simplecov does not match the report generated by overalls.
I found that overalls do not ignore code that is wrapped in
# :nocov:
Here is my config
require "simplecov"
require "coveralls"
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[
Is there something else I need to do to get the combination to ignore the code?
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1 answer
As a first step, I'll try the following:
- create a .simplecov file in your project root folder.
- copy the simplecov configuration to .simplecov.
Remove the Coverables formatter from your config. So .simplecov now looks like this:
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter
Whereas test_helper.rb looks like:
require "simplecov"
require "coveralls"
- Please try testing again and check if the problem is fixed.
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