Chain style + scala

I have configurer

one that supports chain style like this:

val configurer = Configurer("init").propA("a").propB(3).propC("bla-bla")


it is a third party library which I cannot change.

And i have

case class Config (propA: Option [String], propB: Option [Int], propC: Option [String])

Now I need to build my configurer

with a given object config

, the method propX

should be called if the corresponding value is set to config


What's the best way to do this in a functional way?

I do not like this

val configurer = Configurer("init")
val withPropA =
val withPropB =
val withPropC =


Just feel like there must be an elegant way.


source to share

3 answers

You can do this with var, which is usually a sign of bad code in scala, but in this case I find it perfectly acceptable.

def buildConfigurer(propA: Option[String], propB: Option[Int], propC: Option[String]) = {
   var configurer = new Configurer("init")
   propA.foreach(a => configurer = configurer.propA(a))
   propB.foreach(b => configurer = configurer.propB(b))
   propC.foreach(c => configurer = configurer.propC(c))




Since you specifically asked about this in a functional way, I would suggest using a fold on each option that converts Some

to the function you want and None

to identity


config.propA.fold(identity[Configurer] _)(a => _ propA a) andThen
config.propB.fold(identity[Configurer] _)(b => _ propB b) andThen
config.propC.fold(identity[Configurer] _)(c => _ propC c)


If you're really adventurous, you can make it a little more elegant with Scalaz:

import scalaz._, Scalaz._ => Endo[Configurer](_ propA a)).orZero |+| => Endo[Configurer](_ propB b)).orZero |+| => Endo[Configurer](_ propC c)).orZero


In real code, you probably want to use Eugene's solution, though, since you're just wrapping an API that's not perfect and it's important that it's clear here.



I would use something like @EugeneZhulenev's solution, but Option.fold

instead foreach

stayed the same (without going over to the higher order / scalar version suggested by @TravisBrown):

def buildConfigurer(cfg: Config): Configurer = {
  val with0 = new Configurer("init")
  val withA = cfg.propA.fold(with0)(with0.propA(_))
  val withB = cfg.propB.fold(withA)(withA.propB(_))
  val withC = cfg.propC.fold(withB)(withB.propC(_))




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