Why is this property not updating when I pass it by reference in PowerShell

Can someone please explain why the property update is not persisting after the function exits the example below.

function CreateConfigObject
    # base solution directory
    $Config = New-Object -typename PSObject

    # Build Config File Contents
    $Config | Add-Member -Name MyProperty -MemberType NoteProperty -Value "Original Value"

    return $Config

function MyFunction([ref]$obj)
    Write-Host "Inside function Before Updating : " $obj.Value
    Write-host "Are the objects equal? " $obj.Value.Equals($config.MyProperty)

    $obj.Value = "New Value"
    Write-Host "Inside function After Updating : " $obj.Value


$config = CreateConfigObject

Write-Host "Before calling function : " $config.MyProperty

MyFunction ([ref]$config.MyProperty)

Write-Host "After calling function : " $config.MyProperty



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1 answer

Thought a little, but I have an answer. [ref] passes an object, not a value, to a function. So what you need to do is pass a $config

function and then specify its value and property of .MyProperty

that value. Take a look at this slightly modified code to see my point:

function CreateConfigObject
    # base solution directory
    $Config = New-Object -typename PSObject

    # Build Config File Contents
    $Config | Add-Member -Name MyProperty -MemberType NoteProperty -Value "Original Value"

    return $Config

function MyFunction([ref]$obj)
    Write-Host "Inside function Before Updating : " $obj.value.MyProperty
    Write-host "Are the objects equal? " $obj.value.MyProperty.Equals($config.MyProperty)

    $obj.value.MyProperty = "New Value"
    Write-Host "Inside function After Updating : " $obj.value.MyProperty


$config = CreateConfigObject

Write-Host "Before calling function : " $config.MyProperty

MyFunction ([ref]$config)

Write-Host "After calling function : " $config.MyProperty


This will produce the expected results:

Before calling function :  Original Value
Inside function Before Updating :  Original Value
Are the objects equal?  True
Inside function After Updating :  New Value
After calling function :  New Value




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