How to create an exact clone / copy of a string in a parse class in a new class i.e. archive the string

I have a parse application and I am trying to "archive" old rows of data from the "data" class to another class called "DataArchive"

I do this using a scheduled cloud job which works great as a cleanup job i.e. selects my rows for a given criterion and then I call .destroy () in my .each logic like

mainQuery.each(function(dataRow) {
    counter += 1;
    _log(dataRow.get("type") + " " +
    //DataArchive = dataRow.clone()
    return dataRow.destroy();

}).then(function() {
    // Set the job success status
    status.success(counter + " Games archived successfully.");
    _log(counter + " Games archived successfully.");
}, function(error) {
    // Set the job error status
    status.error("Uh oh, something went wrong.");


I thought that it is probably not better to just delete rows, so now I am trying to "move" a row from Data to DataArchive.

I saw a .clone () method that I thought would work, but it just creates a clone in the same class, i.e. data in my case.

Does anyone have any suggestions (without specifying each column one by one) on how this can be achieved?



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