Facebook app on localhost: I have a different user id

I have a website running on my localhost and I want to test the Facebook integration. I have created 2 Facebook apps, one for the live site, the other for the localhost site.

They work both, but when I log into the local app my returned user id is 10204483432301440

When I log into the live app my returned user id is 1101244663

The weird thing is that both IDs lead me to my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/10204483432301440 -> sends me to https://www.facebook.com/francesco.eandi https: //www.facebook. com / 1101244663 -> sends me to https://www.facebook.com/francesco.eandi and also!

Is it correct? So we have different user IDs on facebook?


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1 answer


User IDs in applications. To better protect people information, when users sign in to a version of your app that has been updated to use the Graph API 2.0, Facebook will now give the app ID instead of its ID. However, for users who have previously signed in to your app, the User ID will not change.

Btw, if you need to map user IDs between apps, this might help you: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/for-business

Though I would not use this for dev / live. you can use "Test Apps" for this: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/test-apps



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