JQuery How to check if current div position is equal to

I am stuck. I am working on a jQuery game and I need to know the current position of an object and check if it is 0. I tried different things but none of them worked. Here is the code:

function movePoint() {
   $( '.point' ).each( function() {
       if($(this).attr('id').position().left == 0) {
       $( this ).css( 'left', $( this ).position().left - ( speed + (roundsClicked / 10) ) );
       console.log("Left position of your element - " + $(this).position().left);



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1 answer

just change your code to

function movePoint() {
   $( '.point' ).each( function() {
       if($(this).position().left == 0) {// if($(this).css('left') == '0px') 
       $( this ).css( 'left', $( this ).position().left - ( speed + (roundsClicked / 10) ) );
       console.log("Left position of your element - " + $(this).position().left);




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