Decltype type and member (not pointer)

struct C
    int Foo(int i) { return i; }

    typedef decltype(C::Foo) type;


Since there is no such type as a member function type (no, is there?), I expect there to C::type

be int (int)


But the following won't compile using Visual C ++ 2012 RC:

std::function<C::type> f;


So which type decltype(C::Foo)



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2 answers

The code is ill-formed: there are only a few ways to use the name of a member function (for example C::Foo

), and this is not one of them (a full list of valid uses can be found in the C ++ language, see C ++ 11 ยง5.1.1 / 12 ).

In the context of your example, the only thing you can really do is take the address of a member function &C::Foo

to form a pointer to a member function of the type int (C::*)(int)


Since the code is poorly formed, the compiler should reject it. In addition, it gives inconsistent results depending on how it is used C::Foo

; we'll look at the inconsistency below.

Report the bug to Microsoft Connect . Alternatively, let me know and I am happy to report it.

If you have a type but do not know what a type is, you can find out the name of that type by using it so that the compiler will throw an error. For example, declare a class template and never define it:

template <typename T>
struct tell_me_the_type;


Then you can instantiate this template with the type you are interested in:

tell_me_the_type<decltype(C::Foo)> x;


Since it is tell_me_the_type

not defined, the definition x

is incorrect. The compiler must include the type T

in the error it emits. Visual C ++ 2012 RC reports:

error C2079: 'x' uses undefined struct 'tell_me_the_type_name<T>'
    T=int (int)


The compiler assumes it C::Foo

has a type int (int)

. If so, then the compiler should accept the following code:

template <typename T>
struct is_the_type_right;

template <>
struct is_the_type_right<int(int)> { };

is_the_type_right<decltype(C::Foo)> x;


The compiler does not accept this code. It reports the following error:

error C2079: 'x' uses undefined struct 'is_the_type_right<T>'
    T=int (int)


So C::Foo

both are of type int (int)

and non-type int (int)

, which violates the consistency principle . :-)



So which type decltype(C::Foo)


It is not a type, as the usage is only C::Foo




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