SwipeListView to ExpandableListView, is it possible?

I am using https://github.com/47deg/android-swipelistview to create a list view with drawable items. I'm wondering if this can be applied to ExpandableListView

so that the children can scroll.


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1 answer

I was able to get it to work (at least for me). Here is a list of the steps I took:

  • Copy class SwipeListView and rename ExpandableSwipeListView.
  • Do it from ExpandableListView.
  • Copy class SwipeListViewTouchListener and rename to ExpandableSwipeListViewTouchListener
  • Change the SwipeListViewTouchListener call inside ExpandableSwipeListView to ExpandableSwipeListViewTouchListener.
  • Change SwipeListView calls inside SwipeListViewTouchListener for ExpandableSwipeListView.
  • Change the resetItems ExpandableSwipeListViewTouchListener method to this:


 * Adds new items when adapter is modified
public void resetItems() {
    ExpandableListAdapter adp=swipeListView.getExpandableListAdapter();
    if (adp != null) {
        int count = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<adp.getGroupCount();i++){
            //Add the total children and the group itself.
            count+=adp.getChildrenCount(i) + 1;
        for (int i = opened.size(); i <= count; i++) {


  • Create expandableswipelistview__attrs.xml file by res / values ​​as follows:

    <declare-styleable name="ExpandableSwipeListView">
        <attr name="swipeOpenOnLongPress"/>
        <attr name="swipeAnimationTime"/>
        <attr name="swipeOffsetLeft"/>
        <attr name="swipeOffsetRight"/>
        <attr name="swipeCloseAllItemsWhenMoveList"/>
        <attr name="swipeFrontView"/>
        <attr name="swipeBackView"/>
        <attr name="swipeGroupView" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="swipeMode"/>
        <attr name="swipeActionLeft"/>
        <attr name="swipeActionRight"/>
        <attr name="swipeDrawableChecked"/>
        <attr name="swipeDrawableUnchecked"/>

  • Add swipe: swipeGroupView tag to your ExpandableSwipeListView declaration on layout. Example:




  • The ID must be something unique and must be declared in the layout of your groups.
  • In the init method of the ExpandableSwipeListView method, change all the styles for "ExpandableSwipeListView _..." and for "getStyledAttributes" set it to R.styleable.ExpandableSwipeListView.
  • Add a swipeGroupView like swipeFrontView to the init method and pass it to the ExpandableSwipeListViewTouchListener constructor.
  • In the ExpandableSwipeListViewTouchListener add the following code after "if (allowSwipe && rect.contains (x, y)) {":


//verify if it is a group:
if (child.findViewById(swipeGroupView)!=null){
    return false;


  • Add these methods to ExpandableSwipeListView. They are useful for canceling callbacks and other things:


 * Returns the group and child positions for a child element.
 * This values are passed inside an array of dimension 2 where the index 0 is the group position and the index 1 is the child position.
 * @param general_position used on the list (compatible with getChildAt)
 * @return int[2] 0 => group position; 1 => child position
public int[] getGroupAndChildPositions(int general_position){
    //get group and child ids
    int groupPosition=0;
    int childPosition=0;
    int helper=general_position;
    for (int i=0;i<getExpandableListAdapter().getGroupCount();i++){
        if (helper-getExpandableListAdapter().getChildrenCount(i)-1<=0){
        } else {
    return new int[]{groupPosition,childPosition};

 * Returns the general position of an element on the list (used by getChildAt)
 * @param groupPosition
 * @param childPosition
 * @return the position on the list
public int getGeneralPosition(int groupPosition, int childPosition){
    int position=0;
    for (int i=0;i<=groupPosition;i++){
        if (i<groupPosition)
    return position;




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