Why does this C code example use a pointer to a pointer?

The following code example demonstrates the similarities between pointers and arrays. In the second method, the author declares cur_name as a pointer to a pointer. My question is, why is this necessary? Why is it declaring a new pointer instead of just using the original pointer names? I should note that the code compiles and works fine when I get rid of cur_name and use names, so this is a matter of style and not a function? Any explanation would be appreciated.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // create two arrays we care about
    int ages[] = {23, 43, 12, 89, 2};
    char *names[] = {"Alan", "Frank", "Mary", "John", "Lisa"};

    // safely get the size of ages
    int count = sizeof(ages) / sizeof(int);
    int i = 0;

    // first way using indexing
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        printf("%s has %d years alive.\n",
                names[i], ages[i]);


    // setup the pointers to the start of the arrays
    int *cur_age = ages;
    char **cur_name = names;

    // second way using pointers
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        printf("%s is %d years old.\n",
                *(cur_name+i), *(cur_age+i));


    // third way, pointers are just arrays
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        printf("%s is %d years old again.\n",
                cur_name[i], cur_age[i]);


    // fourth way with pointers in a stupid complex way
    for(cur_name = names, cur_age = ages;
            (cur_age - ages) < count;
            cur_name++, cur_age++)
        printf("%s lived %d years so far.\n",
                *cur_name, *cur_age);

    return 0;



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3 answers

The code uses a pointer to a pointer to represent a pointer to a C string array. Namely, cur_name

is a pointer to a C string array called names

. Since a string in C is itself represented by a pointer to char

, a pointer to an array of such pointers becomes a pointer to a pointer.

Why is it declaring a new pointer instead of just using the original pointer names


Since names

it is not a pointer, it is an array of pointers (see the square brackets after the declaration? This is what the array does names

. The only asterisk in front is associated with the type of the array element, which is char*

in this program).

Create an array adds a level of indirection: to specify the array int

you want int*

, but to specify the array int*

you need a pointer int**




If you have an array of type T below

T a[N];


then if you want to define a pointer to your first element you should write

T *p = a;


Now, replace T for the type of array elements names

defined as

char *names[] = {"Alan", "Frank", "Mary", "John", "Lisa"};


You'll get

typedef char * T;
T names[] = {"Alan", "Frank", "Mary", "John", "Lisa"};


so the pointer to the first element of the array will look like

T *cur_name = names;


If you do the reverse replacement now, you will receive

char * *cur_name = names;




The author increases them in the fourth method, so he needs the temporary data for this, but you are not sure if he is not needed in the second method. Perhaps he is using the assignment to show their equivalence?

I think the examples would be clearer if each method were implemented in its own function.



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