When should a method with a present vs past participle be called, i.e., sorting vs, sorted or reversed or reversed?

Scala have a mutable Array class . It has methods sorted

and reverse

, from which it returns a new mutable array with the same elements in some order.

Is there some reason to have different forms for method names? Why is sorted

n't it called sort

? Or why reverse

, sortBy

etc. Not called reversed

, sortedBy



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1 answer

It's historical. Before collections were redesigned in 2.8, some collections had a method ( like a list ) called sort

. In 2.8, it was sort

deprecated and its functionality was placed in sortWith

, and sorted

was added to sorting without an explicit parameter.

You can imagine a principled way to do this (for example, use the past tense when creating a new collection, but when changing a mutable), but that's not exactly how it works. You just have to remember the little wrinkles for now at least.



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