Is the iOS convention not functions and indentation properties defined inside a block?

Is it an iOS convention not to indent properties, functions, etc. defined by a block?

For example, defining properties inside an interface in a .h file looks like this:

@interface XYZAddToDoItemViewController : UIViewController

@property XYZToDoItem *toDoItem;



In other languages ​​I'm used to (ruby, php, python, js) it will look like this:

@interface XYZAddToDoItemViewController : UIViewController

    @property XYZToDoItem *toDoItem;



Is this an agreement? @property in the correct @interface block?


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2 answers

For Objective-C interfaces, the definition block is between @interface

and @end

. All properties go there.

The convention doesn't really apply to indentation elements in an interface definition.

In particular, it's interesting to see the Google Objective-C tutorial .



For some specific reason, as far as I know. I'm not backing down. However, you can also do this if you like and uninstall @property


@interface XYZAddToDoItemViewController : UIViewController {

XYZToDoItem *toDoItem;






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