MySQL Workbench and default session isolation level

I have a problem with MySQL workbench 6.0 CE, I will describe it the most explained:

MySQL Workbench always sets my session variable @@tx_isolation


, and the only way to change this variable is to use SET tx_isolation='READ-COMMITTED';


I want to start with the default workbench session variable for tx_isolation



; yes, I changed the global variable tx_isolation


, but the first session didn't.


SELECT @@Global.tx_isolation, @@tx_isolation;





Note. ... If I ask for the same code above on the MySQL command line, both variables are set to 'READ-COMMITTED'

, so I think this is a problem with MySQL Workbench and not with the server.

Thanks for the help.


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1 answer

This is an old question, but I have the same error.

According to the doc ( ) the default isolation level is REPEATABLE-READ.

This means that the database snapshot is taken the first time a FIRST transaction is viewed. Everyone else who reads this transaction will show you the snapshot data.

So, you need to complete the transaction (commit or rollback) to get a new snapshot on next read.

My colleagues who set MySQL Workbench to AutoCommit do not see re-readable behavior. We figured this out because after each SELECT the transaction is closed and a new snapshot is created.

So, since the bug is still not fixed (as mentioned in Sithsu), a workaround would be the following:

  • switch to auto-message to take new pictures
  • or commit / rollback after each SELECT to create a new snapshot


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