What's the difference between "_io" and "io"?

I tried the code below. f

has a type _io.TextIOWrapper

, but I can't find any help on that type. While there is another similar type io.TextIOWrapper


>>> f=open("c:\setup.log","r")
>>> type(f)
<class '_io.TextIOWrapper'>
>>> help(_io.TextIOWrapper)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#204>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '_io' is not defined
>>> help(io.TextIOWrapper)
Help on class TextIOWrapper in module io:


My questions:

  • If the name is _io

    not defined, how can I use it?

  • What is the difference between modules _io

    and io



source to share

2 answers

The module _io

provides C code that the module io

uses internally. The source for this can be found here . You can import either io

or _io


>>> import _io
>>> import io
>>> _io
<module 'io' (built-in)>  # The fact that this says io instead of _io is a bug (Issue 18602)
>>> io
<module 'io' from '/usr/lib/python3.4/io.py'>
>>> _io.TextIOWrapper
<type '_io.TextIOWrapper'>


This pattern (the C code for modulename

that presented in _modulename

) is actually used for multiple modules - multiprocessing

/ _multiprocessing

, csv

/ _csv

, etc. Basically all the cases where a module has a component written in C.




is part of the C module implementation io

, io

part of python.

From PEP8 ;

If an extension module written in C or C ++ has an accompanying Python module that provides a higher level (for example, more object-oriented) interface, the C / C ++ module has a leading underscore (for example, _socket).



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