Eclipse Moonrise Console Background

I'm not sure if I'm the only one who has this problem, but I can't seem to fix it. I am using Eclipse Kepler and Moonrise Standalone (dark) theme. The problem is that the console window has a dark font on a dark background. I have tried changing the colors under Settings -> Run / Debug -> Console to no avail.

enter image description here

The funny thing is that the console has a white background on startup, but changes to black as soon as I click on it. I didn't find a css file for Moonrise theme.

Can this be fixed or am I sticking with the default theme?


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2 answers

The problem has been (finally!) Resolved. The console color scheme can be changed under Preferences -> C / C ++ -> Build-> Console if you're using CDT of course.



Go to "Preferences -> Run / Debug -> Console, then change the" default text color ".



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