ActiveAdmin Access Filters Collection

I am trying to create a collection_action where I am going to do something with the entire collection of filtered items. My problem is, from within collection_action, I don't have access to the filtered collection. When I access collection

, these are only the elements that are on the first page of the posts. In my action_item, I have access to collection_before_scope

which is exactly the filtered entry I want, but it is empty when I try to access it from mine collection_action


Below is mine current setup

trying to find the collection I want.

collection_action :dosmth, :method => :get do
  # collection_before_scope will be empty
  puts "collection_before_scope = " + collection_before_scope.to_yaml

  # collection will return only the filtered items on the front page
  puts "collection = " + collection.to_yaml

  redirect_to :back, notice: 'Something happening'

action_item :only => :index do
  # collection_before_scope will return the full collection that I'm looking for.
  puts "collection_before_scope = " + collection_before_scope.to_yaml 

  link_to "Export", dosmth_admin_earned_points_path(controller.params)


The closest related question I could find was this: ActiveAdmin Collection action on filtered data , which didn't seem to work for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I still have the same problem, but I figured out something. If I try to access the collection before collection_before_scope

then the correct filtered items are in collection_before_scope. I don't want to be able to access the collection to get the correct one collection_before_scope

. Not sure why this will happen.

collection_action :dosmth, :method => :get d0
  # collection will return only the filtered items on the front page
  puts "collection = " + collection.to_yaml

  # collection_before_scope will be correct because I accessed the collection first.  why???
  puts "collection_before_scope = " + collection_before_scope.to_yaml

  redirect_to :back, notice: 'Something happening'



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2 answers

Try the following:

puts "filtered collection = " + apply_filtering(collection).to_yaml

(before the call collection


Why are you getting the correct filtered collection after the first call to the collection?

The method collection

will call the method find_collection


The method find_collection

will call the method apply_filter


And as soon as the method was called collection




I know this is old, but I just ran into this problem when trying to access a filtered collection for a custom CSV upload.

Since ActiveAdmin uses Ransack for searching, you can grab the filtered collection using your parameters.


worked for me.



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